MyTime with Aunty Feyi

Created by REBECCA 2 years ago
My dearest Aunt Feyi
What a privilege it was to have you in my life.
Looking back , I find myself wondering whether I ever did
thank you throughout the years.  Most especially for the times I
spent with you at Kingsella Street.
As a military nursing officer, everything around you had to be
clean and orderly and I remember one afternoon, at your
Wilberforce army quarters you asked me for some water.
I grabbed the tumbler without first washing my hands and I
handed you the dripping glass.  I got a real ticking off.
Needless to say, I never did that again! 
My being houseproud, neat and tidy is all thanks to you!
You also taught me how to cook.  I was eager to learn
and was very happy when you trusted me with taking over
 cooking for the household.
I remember many fun and special moments . . .
us sitting on the veranda, you listening to my numerous
titbits and tales of the day . . . chatting to the neighbours,
both young and old, as they went by.
You were always up for a laugh and I
will miss your smiles and the twinkle in your eyes.
I am so grateful for these and so many other experiences
that have influenced my life.
I am also grateful for all your help and support and, most importantly,
for the help you gave to my mother when times were hard.
Thank you, Aunt Feyi.
May the Almighty God rest your soul in Perfect Peace. IJN.
Rebecca Jaja-Norman